Tento legendární devítihlavý kolos z New Yorku, jehož jméno je v hip hopové muzice pojmem tak důležitým a zásadním, že by se dalo přirovnat k suverenitě Billa Gatese ve světě informačních technologií či nadvládě Lance Amstronga na Tour De France, právě letos oslavil kulaté jubileum.,protože, i když se to nezdá, je tomu už rovných deset let, co na scéně se svým albem debutoval a že se přepisovaly dějiny snad ani dodávát nemusím:). Od těch dob se toho sice hodně změnilo, nicméně už nikdo nemůže upřít této netopýří partě fakt, že se svou tvorbou v průběhu devadesátých let zařadila do zlatého fondu tohoho žánru a i dnes, kdybyste se zeptali nějakého neználka, vám na otázku "jestli zná nějakého hip hopového umělce?", odpoví hned po Eminemovi asi právě Wu-Tang, což hovoří za vše.
Rok 1993 byl pro WTC v kariéře zlomovým. Na vlastní pěst totiž nahrávají svůj premiérový singl "Protect Ya Neck", jež se takřka okamžitě po vydání stává podzemní hymnou a s nabídkami na nahrání alba se okamžitě roztrhá pytel. Wu-gang však ihned po první nabídce nešahá, počká si a dělá dobře, poněvadž se zanedlouho upisuje společnosti Loud/RCA, se kterou uzavírá smlouvu, obsahující klauzuli, že jednotlivý členové clanu se mohou dále uplatnit kde chtějí. Tohoto faktu posléze náležitě využívají např. Method Man, který podepisuje Def Jamu, GZA, zakotvující u Geffen Records nebo Ol' Dirty Bastard, jež volí Elektra Records. Na povrch zemský tedy konečně vylézá album "Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)", celé nahrané v jejich domácím studiu 36 Chambers a okamžitě po vydání se stává zhlediska prodejní stránky zlatým. Na tento debut z říše snů, dávajíc WTC respekt široko daleko, poté tedy postupně navazují jednotlivý členové kapely. Jako první vychází v roce 1994 Methův sólo kapr "Tical" a že se jedná o další zásah do černého snad ani nemusím dodávat. Ve stejném roce vydává GZA singl "I Gotcha Back", jenž tak vlastně předchází jeho, v pořadí již druhému, albu "Liquid Swords", vycházející v roce 1995. Wu-Tang sága pokračuje a další je na řadě Ol' Dirty Bastard, debutující se svým výborným kouskem "Return To The 36 Chambers : The Dirty Version", na který neméně skvěle navazuje i další pán na holení, zvaný Raekwon, jenž u Loud vypouští desku "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx". Pro Wu-bandu tolik úspěšné období ještě korunuje RZA, který se jakožto člen uskupení Gravediggaz podílí na albu "6 Feet Deep" (v Evropě známém jako "Niggamortis"). Ještě před pracemi na ohlašovaném druhém albu od WTC, vychází, jako jediný počin roku 96, deska "Ironman" od Ghostface Killah, jež už dá se říci nastoluje velké očekávání na věci a počiny příští...
Legenda jménem Wu-Tang Clan vznikla z potřeby tří pěkně vykutálených bratránků sdělovat své zrýmované názory do našlapaných beatů a hezky veřejně na počátku devadesátých let. Robert Diggs (aka RZA, Bobby Digital), Gary Grice (aka GZA, Genius) a Russell Tyrone Jones (aka ODB, Ol' Dirty Bastard) založili v roce 1990 kapelu "All In Together Now". Všichni tři se ale zároveň vrhají na své sólové projekty a skupina tak nemá zrovna dlouhou životnost.
Vlastní WTC se začíná formovat v roce 1992 a pod netopýří křídla postupně přicházejí Clifford Smith (aka Method Man, Johnny Blaze), Jason Hunter (aka Inspectah Deck, Fifth Brother), Dennis Coles (aka Ghostface Killah, Ironman), Corey Woods (aka Reakwon), Lamont Hawkins (aka U-God) a Jamal Turner (aka Masta Killa). O pár let později se desátým oficiálním členem klanu stává i Darryl Hill (aka Cappadonna), ale to už bychom předbíhali. Nyní jsme ještě v roce 1993, který se stal pro WTC pravděpodobně nejdůležitějším rokem vůbec. Klan totiž ve svém domácím studiu 36 Chambers nahrává svůj první singl "Protect Ya Neck", jež je ještě dnes řazen mezi ty úplně nejlepší skladby žánru. O něco později je vydána i první dlouhohrající deska s názvem "Enter the Wu-Tang / 36 Chambers". Album má naprosto nepředpokládaný úspěch a v prodejnosti dosahuje mety zlaté desky.
Po tomhle obrovském úspěchu se jednotlivý členové opět věnují sólové kariéře, ale ani na svých samostatných albech nezapomínají na svůj domácí team. Ve svých projektech si vzájemně hostují, texty i covery na celý klan výrazně odkazují a společně také propagují novou oděvní značku The Wu-Wear. Atmosféra WTC je cítit z každé desky a fanoušci se nemohou dočkat na další společný počin. Ten přichází v podobě dvou diskového alba "Wu-Tang Forever" v druhé polovině roku 1997. Deska má opět velkolepý ohlas, výborně se prodává a nakonec je vyhlášena albem roku. Zde se již objevuje i výše zmíněný Cappadonna, jemuž se však stále nedaří získat si ten pravý respekt.
V období od roku 1997 do roku 2000 se WTC stává doslova magnetem na peníze. Ven se dostávají další sólovky a začíná se utvářet tzv. Wu-Family, kterou představují další spříznění umělci jako jsou na příklad The Sun of Man, Killarmy, Myalansky & Joe Mafia, Killah Priest, North Star a další. Tato situace vrcholí v roce 1999 vydáním dvou výběrových kompilací "Wu-Tang Killa Bees - The Swarm vol.1" a "Wu-Chronicles". Vše již ale směřuje k roku 2000, k přelomu století a k třetí společné desce celého klanu. "The W" není však nijak zvlášť silným albem a to se odráží i v jeho prodejnosti. Kolem klanu se začíná točit smůla a poprvé se spekuluje o jeho konci. Ol' Dirty Bastard má problémy se zákonem a nakonec je poslán na dva roky do chládku. Cappadonna tak symbolicky přebírá jeho místo.
Ostatní jsou však stále velmi plodní, opět se na trhu objevuje spousta sólových počinů, ale hlavně je během roku připraveno další, čtvrté, společné album a je tedy jasné, že Wu sága pokračuje. "Iron Flag" vychází na vánoce 2001 a alespoň malinko znovu zvedá spadlou laťku. Od té doby světem znova kolují další, víceméně úspěšné, sólové desky a na společný výstup se až do letoška čekalo.
Rok 2004 může tedy působit značně smíšenými dojmy. Na jedné straně se na pultech objeví nové album celého klanu podpořené DVD diskem a jako návdavek i již zmíněná bestofka, na straně druhé se však budeme muset s WTC jako takovým asi nadobro rozloučit.

Clan in da front-
[Intro: RZA]
Up from the 36 Chambers...
Heheh.. it's the Ghost..*Face*..*Killahh* Hehheheh
Wu-Tang Killa Beez, we on a swarm
Wu-Tang Killa Beez, we on a swarm
Wu-Tang Killa Beez, we on a swarm
Wu-Tang Killa Beez, we on a swarm
The RZA, the GZA, Ol Dirty Bastard, Inspectah Deck, U-God
Ghost Face Killer, the Method Man, Raekwon the Chef, the Master Killer
Raw Desire, LeVon, Power Cipher
Twelve O'Clock, Sixty Second Assassin, the 4th Disciple
The Brand White
K.D. the Down Low Wrecka, Shyheim AKA The Rugged Child
Doo-Doo Wales, Mista Hezakiah -- better known as the Yin and the Yang
The Tru Masta, Asan, DJ Skane, The Tru Robocop comin thru
Scientific Shabazz, my motherfuckin man Wise the Civilized
The Shaolin Soldiers, Daddy-O and Popa Ron
Comin down from the motherfuckin South end of things
Killa beez all over your fuckin planet
Thirty-six chambers of death
Three-hundred and sixty degrees of perfected styles
Choppin off your motherfuckin dome...
...peace, and every fuckin borough
Crooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island
The motherfuckin Bronx, killa beez....
(The sword? C'mon, give him the sword)
[Chorus: The Genius]
Clan in da front, let your feet stomp
Niggaz on the left, brag shit to death
Now hoods on the right, wild for the night
Punks in the back, c'mon and attract to...
[Verse One:]
The Wu is comin thru, the outcome is critical
Fuckin wit my style, is sort of like a Miracle
on 34th Street, in the Square of Herald
I gamed Ella, the bitch caught a Fitz like Gerald --
-- ine Ferraro, who's full of sorrow
Cuz the hoe didn't win but the sun will still come out tomorrow
and shine shine shine like gold mine
Here comes the drunk monk, with a quart of Ballentine
Pass the bone, kid pass the bone
Let's get on this mission like Indiana Jones, the GZA
One who just represent the Wu-Tang click
With the game and soul, of an old school flick
Like the Mack and Dolemite, who both did bids
Claudine went to Cooley High and had mad kids
so stop, the life you save may be your motherfuckin own
I'll hang your ass with this microphone
Make way for the merge of traffic
Wu-Tang's comin thru with Full Metal Jackets
God squad that's mad hard to serve
Come frontin hard, then Bernhard Goetz what he deserves
[Verse Two:]
The response while I bomb that ass, "You ain't shit!"
Your wack ass town had you gassed
Egos is somethin the Wu-Tang crush
Souped up niggaz on a stage get rushed
I don't give a god damn, on the shows you did
How many rhymes you got, or who knows you kid?
Cuz I don't know ya therefore show me what you know
I come sharp as a blade and I cut you slow
You become so Pat as my style increases
What's that in your pants ahhh human feces!
Throw your shitty drawers in the hamper
Next time come strapped with a fuckin Pamper
How ya sound B? You're better off a quitter
I'm on the mound G, and it's a no-hitter
And my DJ the catcher, he's my man
Anyway he's the one who devised the plan
He throws the signs I hook up the beats with clout
I throw the rhymes to the mic and I strike em out
So it really doesn't matter on how you intrigue
You can't FUCK with those in the major leagues
[Chorus -- 2X]
Hoods on the right
Punks in the back... to what
Niggaz on the left
Hoods on the right
Punks in the back, c'mon... to what
...let your feet stomp
...brag shit to death
...wild for the night
(Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu)
(Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu)
(Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu)
Niggaz on the left, brag shit to death
Hoods on the right, wild for the night
Punks in the back, c'mon and attract to
Clan in da front, let your feet stomp

What that nigga want God?
Word up, look out for the cops [Wu-Tang five finger shit]
(Cash Rules) Word up, two for fives over here baby
Word up, two for fives them niggaz got garbage down the way, word up
(Cash Rules Everything Around Me
C.R.E.A.M. get...)
Yeah, check this ol fly shit out
Word up
(Cash Rules Everything Around Me) Take you on a natural joint
(C.R.E.A.M. get the money) Here we here we go
(dolla dolla bill y'all) Check this shit, yo!
Verse One: Raekwon the Chef
I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side
Staying alive was no jive
At second hands, moms bounced on old men
So then we moved to Shaolin land
A young youth, yo rockin the gold tooth, 'Lo goose
Only way, I begin to gee off was drug loot
And let's start it like this son, rollin with this one
And that one, pullin out gats for fun
But it was just a dream for the teen, who was a fiend
Started smokin woolies at sixteen
And running up in gates, and doing hits for high stakes
Making my way on fire escapes
No question I would speed, for cracks and weed
The combination made my eyes bleed
No question I would flow off, and try to get the dough all
Sticking up white boys in ball courts
My life got no better, same damn 'Lo sweater
Times is ruff and tuff like leather
Figured out I went the wrong route
So I got with a sick ass click and went all out
Catchin keys from across seas
Rollin in MPV's, every week we made forty G's
Y onigga respect mine, or anger the tech nine
Ch-chick-POW! Move from the gate now
Chorus: Method Man
Cash, Rules, Everything, Around, Me
Get the money
Dollar, dollar bill y'all
Verse Two: Inspector Deck
It's been twenty-two long hard years of still strugglin
Survival got me buggin, but I'm alive on arrival
I peep at the shape of the streets
And stay awake to the ways of the world cause shit is deep
A man with a dream with plans to make C.R.E.A.M.
Which failed; I went to jail at the age of 15
A young buck sellin drugs and such who never had much
Trying to get a clutch at what I could not... could not...
The court played me short, now I face incarceration
Pacin -- going up state's my destination
Handcuffed in back of a bus, forty of us
Life as a shorty shouldn't be so ruff
But as the world turns I learned life is hell
Living in the world no different from a cell
Everyday I escape from Jakes givin chase, sellin base
Smokin bones in the staircase
Though I don't know why I chose to smoke sess
I guess that's the time when I'm not depressed
But I'm still depressed, and I ask what's it worth?
Ready to give up so I seek the Old Earth
Who explained working hard may help you maintain
to learn to overcome the heartaches and pain
We got stickup kids, corrupt cops, and crack rocks
and stray shots, all on the block that stays hot
Leave it up to me while I be living proof
To kick the truth to the young black youth
But shorty's running wild smokin sess drinkin beer
And ain't trying to hear what I'm kickin in his ear
Neglected, but now, but yo, it gots to be accepted
That what? That life is hectic
Chorus -- 4X
Niggas gots to do what they gotta do, to get a bill
Cuz we can't just get by no more
Word up, we gotta get over, straight up and down
Chorus -- 3X
Cash Rules Everything Around Me
get the money
Dolla dolla bill y'aauhhhaaaauhhhhahhhauhhhhll, YEAH

For heavens sake-
[Intro: Inspectah Deck]
Yo, one two one two
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang
It's the Wu, creepin in the shadows
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang
(Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang)
"Oh baby, for heavens sake"
Sir I, Excalibur
"Oh baby, for heavens sake"
(Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang) [2X]
"Oh baby, for heavens sake"
[Verse One: Inspectah Deck/Rebel INS]
Yo, aiyyo my rap style swing like Willie Mays
My eyes Purple Haze, my solar razor burn through shades
My grenades raid the airwaves, catch this rap page
I glide like, hovercrafts on the Everglades
Boom master, with the faster blade, track slasher
Manufacture poems to microphones, bones fracture
Limited edition composition spark friction
non-fiction, the calm bomb keep your arm distant
Zero tolerance, dominant intelligence
Wu original, true colors step from the melanin
The most high, most try, to get close by
and overthrow I, but choke, with they hopes up high
I circulate the tri-state and vibrate beyond the Richter
Flies sense to flock when they spot this live nigga
The crowd seducer black your third eye before I lose ya
Verbal high I leave stars in the eyes of Medusa
Top ten, parley like Cochran, it's often
narrow margin, of your odds to dodge the marksman
Murder rap, kill you soft like Roberta Flack
Words attack like a british bulldog, observe the stacks
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang
"Oh baby, for heavens sake"
[repeat both lines 4X]
[Verse Two: Masta Killa]
Now all pay tribute to this entity
A spark that surges through the undergrowth
overwhelmin the populace from the entry
The Wu-Tang Dynasty, has emerged
from this elite fleet
I was appointed to strike the vital nerve
Mouths tend to utter and speak empty words
Observe the magnetic attraction as we breathe
Seeds of MC's at these fake ass industry niggaz
feed off, the chrome mic tend to squeeze off
and spray, an array of shots
that travel downwind, just respect pyrhiffic pen
as I send, the minds of the weak
To rise and take power I blew tower-ing over the land
as we stand, expanding our CREAM
A dollar to every grain of sand
Let the mind use the physical as planned
"Oh baby, for heavens sake"
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang
"Oh baby, for heavens sake"
[Verse Three: Cappadonna]
Yo, yo, this is Beirut
Try to comprehend check out my new suit
Gods blend aim take fire pure destruction
Dissapear from here, my year, drop the stupid LP's everywhere
Fallin out the sky tall sniper
Raps by Cappadonna hit the countryside
Poetry whirlpool, RZA and True collide
We produce article exception to the rule
We the black men that struck oil, the hardboiled
Cats that made that Watergate thing go spoiled
The heavy-handed, locked down stranged with Cyrus
Wu Pirates, sneak inside the club, low eyes
Low down dirty, twelve thirty, night time crawlers
Off-the-wallers, basketball gun brawlers
Smoked out throw both fists for nine-seven
Slang reverand, put the best work in
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang
"Oh baby, for heavens sake"

Gravel Pit-
Intro: [Rza]
One two, One two
yo check this out,
it's the jump off right now
I want everybody to put your work down,
put your guns down
And report to the pit, the gravel pit
Leave your problems at home,
leave your children at home
We gon' take it back underground,
I be Bobby Boulders
Wu-Tang Clan on ya mind one time
It's the jump off, so just jump off my (niggaaaaaaaaa)
Check out my gravel pit
Oh Mr. Dirty unravel it
Wu-Tang as a city that Im travelin'
Go against the grain if you can handle it
Ha, holla cross from the land of the lost
Behold the pale horse, off course
Follow me, Wu-Tang gotta be
The best thing since Starks in Clark Wallabees
African killa bees black watch
On the radio blowin' out ya watch
>From Park Hill, the house on haunted hill
Every time you walk by, your back get a chill
Let's peel, you want to talk, rap skills
I spit like a semi-automatic to the grill
Elbow grease, and elbow room
Baby play me, baby fall down go boom
Party people gather round,
count down to apocalypse...
I'm the kid with the golden arms
And I'm the (motherfucking) Hot Nix, pass the blunt
My (nigga) don't front
You had it for a minute but it seem like a month
Now I'm chokin', smokin', hopin'
I dope cookin' from overdosin'...
Hey kid, master ya high
Wu and Meth got you open
Let's ride, can't stand niggas that floss too much
Can't stand Bentleys they cost too much
Kid wanna get up, then kid get touched
Kid wanna stick up, then kid get stuck
I'm the one that called you bluff
When your boys tried to act tough
Remember what Ol' Dirty said
I (fuck your ass up)
Now listen
[Tekitha und Meth]
Back, back and forward, forward
Back, back and forward, forward
Back, back and forward, forward
As we go...
Back, back and forward, forward
Back, back and forward, forward
Back, back and forward, forward
As we go...
E with the English extinguish styles extremist
Bald head beamers run wild
It's the kid with the gold cup,
stepped out like what
What's poppin and y'all (niggas) bobo
Blasting shae shae, chocolate shortae
Rich fellas rock those all day
1960 (shit) I'm goldie
That's right (motherfucker) don't hold me
The world's greatest, Las Vegas, paid as rock
Skin painted on my face looks ageless
Perfect combos, Ghost bang out condos
?Jeff Vamos homo? and exclude bamos
Bancos, stank hoes, in plain clothes
Change those, bang those, same old, same old
Yeah y'all, straight up this the jump off right here
The Gravel Pit, word up, represent, rock the boulders
All my rich gangsta style killers
Y'all know what time it is, shorty do your thing
Get upon that (shit) right now boo, do you
That's what I'm talking 'bout
Step to my groove, move like this
When we shoot the gift,
of course it's ruthless
Grab the mic with no excuses
In a sec, grab the tech and loot this
Execute and shakin' all sets
Now I'm breakin' all heads,
I'm takin' all bets
Move all best, who want the dram' next
You all stank, we got the bigger bank
Bigger shank to fill your tank
Still the same kid for real,
while you crank
Slide, do or die, fry the bank
Admire the grades,
on fire wit a heart of hate
Bitter shark, every part I take,
heavy darts that quake
It's all cake, all fate,
get caught by the drop-kicks
You know the drill, yes it's Park Hill
Yo we hit 'em with the hotness
On the go, check the flow
Sayin Wu don't rock (shit)
Stop quick, hold the gossip
Stop sweatin' my pockets,
I hear the hot (shit)

Method man-
Yeahhh, torture motherfucker what?
(Torture nigga what?)
I\'ll fuckin
I\'ll fuckin tie you to a fuckin bedpost
with your ass cheeks spread out and shit
Put a hanger on a fuckin stove and let that shit sit there
for like a half hour
Take it off and stick it in your ass slow like
Yeah, I\'ll fuckin
Yeah I\'ll fuckin lay your nuts on a fuckin dresser
Just your nuts layin on a fuckin dresser
And bang them shits with a spiked fuckin bat
Whassup? BLAOWWW!!
I\'ll fuckin
I\'ll fuckin pull your fuckin tongue out your fuckin mouth
and stab the shit with a rusty screwdriver, BLAOWW!!
I\'ll fuckin
I\'ll fuckin
I\'ll fuckin hang you by your fuckin dick
off a fuckin twelve sto-story building out this motherfucker
I\'ll fuckin
I\'ll fuckin
sew your asshole closed, and keep feedin you
and feedin you, and feedin you, and feedin you
[Intro Part Two: Genius (all versions)]
Yo, roll the dice, yo roll the dice
Yo, so it\'s going down like that, huh? Yeah?
Niggaz is whylin, check it out kid
From the slums of Shaolin, Wu-Tang Clan strikes again
The RZA, the GZA, Ol Dirty Bastard, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon the Chef
U-God, Ghost Face Killer and the Method Man
[Verse One:]
Hey, you, get off my cloud
You don\'t know me and you don\'t know my style
Who be gettin flam when they come to a jam?
Here I am here I am, the Method Man
Patty cake patty cake hey the method man
Don\'t eat Skippy, Jif or Peter Pan
Peanut butter, cuz I\'m not butter
In fact I snap back like a rubber
band, I be Sam Sam I am
And I dont eat green eggs and ham
Style will hit ya, wham!, then goddamn
You be like oh shit that\'s the jam
Turn it up now hear me get buckwu-wu-wild
I\'m about to blow light me up
Upside downside inside and outside
Hittin you from every angle there\'s no doubt
I am, the one and only Method Man
The master of the plan wrappin shit like Saran
Wrap, with some of this and some of that
Hold up (what?) I tawt I tat I putty tat
Over there, but I think he best to beware
Of the diggy dog shit right here
Yippy yippy yay yippy yah yippy yo
Like Deck said this aint your average flow
Comin like rah ooh ah achie kah
Tell me how ya like it so far baby paw
The poetry\'s in motion coast to coast and
Rub it on your skin like lotion
What\'s the commotion, oh my lord
Another corn chopped by the Wu-Tang sword
Hey hey hey like Fat Albert
It\'s the Method Man ain\'t no if ands about it
It\'s the Method
All right, y\'all get ya White Owls, get ya meth, get ya skins
Don\'t forget your fourty
And we gonna do it like this
I got, fat bags of skunk
I got, White Owl blunts
And I\'m about to go get lifted
Yes I\'m about to go get lifted
I got, myself a fourty
I got, myself a shorty
And I\'m about to go and stick it
Yes I\'m about to go and stick it
[Verse Two:]
H-U-F-F huff and I puff
Blow like snow when the cold wind\'s blowin
Zoom, I hit the mic like boom
Wrote a song about it like to hear it here it goes
Question what exactly is a panty raider
Ill behaviour savior or major flavor
All of the above oh yeah plus I do so
Also flam I\'m the man call me super
Not an average Joe with an average flow
Doing average things with average hoes
Yo I\'m super I\'ll make a bitch squirm
For my, Su-per Sperm (check it)
Check it I give it to ya raw butt naked
I smell sess pass the Method
Let\'s get lifted as I kick ballistics
Missles and shoot game like a pistol
Clip is loaded when I click bang dang
A Wu-Tang slug hits your brain
J-U-M-P jump and I thump
Make girls rumps like pump and Humpty Hump
Wow, the Shaolin style is all in me
Child, the whole damn isle is callin me
P-A-N-T-Y-R-A-I-D-E-R mad raw I don\'t cry
Meaning no one can burn or toss and turn me
Ooh I be the super sperm
Chim chimmeny chim chim cherie
Freak a flow and flow fancy free
Now how many licks does it take
For me to hit the Tootsie Roll center of a break
Peep and don\'t sleep the crews mad deep Wu-Tang
Fadin motherfuckers like bleach
So to each and every crew
You\'re clear like glass I can see right through
You\'re whole damn posse be catchin em all cause you vic\'d
and ya didnt have friends to begin with
Here I am, here I am, the Method Man
[Outro: RZA]
Straight from the slums of Shaolin
Wu-Tang Killa B\'z on a swarm
[Your soul have just been taken through the 36 chambers of death, kid]
[Word to mother, Method Man signing off, peace]

[*glasses/jewelry tinkling*]
You my Daddy whore [2X]
[Cappa] Whoever she gonna do anyway
But bust it, bust it though baby, bust it
Who else, who else is gonna...
[Verse One: Ol Dirty Bastard]
This is dedicated to all you bitches
Knew this bitch named Traj, she had a hella fine ass
Candy-ass, blew my hole in the past
Niggarette gave me gonorrhea
Pussy dick to the tippy toe like ballerina
Boy you shoulda seen her
She had a babyface creamer Purinas
Called up talkin Tina
I put my dick in a broom
She blew my head like a balloon
I had her walkin on the moon
[Verse Two: Cappadonna]
Yo, I seen you at the five and dime wastin your time
Oh you shine, I'm lookin at your ass from behind
You walked by smellin like watermelon
You might make me a felon, my eyeballs swellin
My nuts start yellin, excuse my prick
Wanna have a talk with you, I'm sick
My medicine is can I walk with you, fantasy
After that we can cheat, laid on the bed
Handcuffed with hard meat, long stroke smackin
Smack it then broke, nothin can't stop my
continous poke, compound
Porno flick music, Daddy came with it when I wrote it
[Verse Three: Ol Dirty Bastard]
Dirt Dog be bouncin on bitches like fog
I pollute the air up like smog, bitch
I'm up my jacuzzi, peepin this smoothie
My bitch is a floozy, Dirt Dog ain't choosy
Pussy move me, pretty black dick up in the booty
I like it muddy or swampy
By now you find your ass up shitty creeky
Don't got no fuckin room me and my momma and my TV
Blackberry squeeze
Bitch who a tease, titties small, I got used to the squeaks
Fuck that shit, I'm through with this bitch
Old hen please can't get a bank of these
welfare cheese, now to blow fifty G's
overseas, I'm doin the breeze, in my 850
[Verse Four: RZA]
Suicidal, she been in more hotels than bibles
Idle worshippin bitch wasn't the type to make bridle
Sprung, on how the bitch maneuvered her tongue
>From the top of his dick, to the bottom of his ass split
I told the God to jet quick this wicked bitch was a harlot
but had him trapped up inside the Charlotte Web
She wasn't choosy fucked for movie and a loose leaf
cigarette, pussy stay wet and juicy like lemons
Big ass in tight denim
Had the most faithful niggaz sinnin against their women
and enjoyed, to watch relationships get destroyed
This unemployed welfare bitch was non-void
and shameless, her attitude was blameless
Even though she had a hundred dicks on her namelist
Her obsession, caused niggaz to get, the ass cheek injection
The bitched lied, said she had urinary tract infection
I tried to warn em, and bomb em, but she conned em
Wanted niggaz to fuck her raw dog without no condom
[*woman moans*] oooooh, ahahhh, ohh
[Wu-Tang movie samples]
You people are all trying to acheive the impossible
That's exactly what we've done
But you'll fail, and you'll all die
If we die, the next generation will fight them too
And the one after them, for as long as they must
And eventually we shall succeed

Olders gods-
Aiyyo I roll like a bat out of hell
Evil acapell's fly spittin out of my grill
Before I hit the sky with springtime colors
Juicy as a Sunkist, certain broads double dutch this
They carve it in they wrist, pales berry blazes
Straighten the crumbs left on the stove, clothes in my lady hair
Plus yours the look gold God, the old tainted bald technique
Got these vestibules designer niggaz in they whips
jumpin out they seats, eighteen, Bronzeman Part II
We like Dorothy Hamill on ice
We in your hood we might circle, hats down low in the Range
Switch lanes, change my tire, peel out
Real loud on the stage yo, I shitted on your hood kid
I shitted on your hood, got to your burner too late
I'm lookin real good, draped out
Shinin like a fresh fifty cent piece, your girlfriend, c'mere
Oh shit, you my man's niece, the gourmet pocket twenty
bombs made of clay, Sexcapades take place
We fucked in forty-eight shades might walk up in your studio
time slap your engineer, it's lighter fluid to that style
Hand me the matches now
[Verse Two: Raekwon the Chef]
Aiyyo rainbow Roley on the wrist, now what's this
Niggaz bless this, eight and a half, Bally banana twist
E shakes, puffin on lye, feedin the seed's plate
Pullin out, old dirty eights to rob gates
Major wake up, the kid telltales, make a nigga head wake up
Beats break, the nigga would take off his time
Honolulu status, gladdest
the rich rock cabbage and dollar vans grands
That nigga mad savage, stationary Hall of Justice
Niggaz came clumped out
Just came home, now they bunked out
Money be longer than triple life
til the sun burn out, that's my word
Move it with the burner out
Fidel way of thinkin, roll with the Mac bent Ac-10
Most of my team, Five Percent check what the live said
Rollin with Guess vests pedestrians yo
holdin my nuts, fuckin thousand dollar lesbians
[Ghost] Yo, the Older God put me on and had to rock this
[both] Maintain Three-Sixty Lord live prosperous
[Ghost] It only takes a lesson a day, just to analyze life
[both] one time in the respectable mind
[repeat 2X]
[Verse Three: The Genius/GZA]
Let the shot spark, soon as his pit bull barks
Tire scars from skid marks leaves from jams in school parks
Witness, forget his, original statement
Even in protection programs there's no escapement
Gunned down, we in town, hit king from seven crowns
Spent rounds catch him while he rhyme in the Zebra Lounge
Wounded, back in the eighty-three summer heat
Up in three-oh-nine park, rhymin off the drummer's beat
I stalk the city streets demonstratin mic wrecks
All lookin stank, I ain't playin wit a full deck
And as they nervously stare, I know they scared
They saw the coming of Wu, the neon in Times Square
Household name, assassin, killa bee
Mill to the grain, that posess the Wu, trilogy
Quick to spot those that bite camoflouge and blend
Those that got styles, they got identical twins
Don't stretch the small thing, copycats are finnicky
without skills, they master the art of mimicry
But I go line for line on the whole page
Your unspotted life on the mic is old age
[*rocket fired, whistles off and explodes, breaking glass*]

It's Wu motherfuckers, ah Wu-Tang motherfuckers [3X]
It's Wu, ah goin on
[Verse One: The Genius/GZA]
Reunited, double LP, we're all excited
Struck a match to the underground, industry ignited
from metaphorical parables to fertilize the Earth
Wicked niggaz come, try to burglarize the turf
Scattin off soft-ass beats them niggaz rap happily
Tragically, that style, deter-iate, rapidly
Uncompleted missions, throwin your best known compositions
You couldn't add it up, if you mastered addition
Where I come from, gettin visual is habitual
De-mon-strate walkin on hot coal, in rituals
I splash the paint on the wall, it formed the mural
He took a look, saw the manifestation of it, was plural
Rhymin while impaired, dart hit your garment
Pierced your internal, streamlined compartments
Just consider the unparallel advantage
Of a natural disaster that's impossible to manage
[Verse Two: Ol Dirty Bastard/Osirus]
Bitch ass niggaz counterfeit the funk
I smoke the bead and the skunk, tree top of the trunk
Moonshine drunken monk, YaHEAD, get shrunk
The touch of skunk, I be fuckin bitches by the chunk
my name black, do words wanna play in my dirt?
Bitch stop my momma serve, free lunch from the church
I come like a thousand doves
Bitch you quiet at the bus, makin the fuss, I gots tough love
Unglove the news, watch a nigga transfuse
Dirty add to the fuse, heavy at the booze
I don't walk, I get carried
Gold and platinum frisbees on my wall, lookin properly
but come-ly, I U.F.O. you Wright Brothers
The Indian that sold Manhattan to the white man
my grandfather, step up and get knocked right the fuck out
Come to the cook-out, Dirty bitch at the mouth
You scared? Run around like a plane about to crash
[*sound of a plane crashing and explosion*]
[Roxanne] Wu-Tang motherfuckers [2X]
Yeah... and RZA
[Verse Three: RZA]
Yo, yo, The Riddler, funny bone tickler, freak Caligula
Bigger dick sex enigma pistol fertilize your stigma
Stinkbox, order from pink dot
MC's get stuck on ink blots as I plug to the sinkbox
Wu-Tang Incorp. take your brain on spacewalk
Talk strange like B-jork, great hero Jim Thorpe
How can I put it? Life is like video footage
Hard to edit, directors, that never understood it
I'm too impulsive, my deadly corrosive dosage
attack when you least notice through explosive postage
I don't play, the rap souflee sautee for the day
Ruler Zig-Zag-Zig A, Leg Leg Arm Head
Spread like plague, we drink Hennessee by the jig
I got the golden egg plus the goose
Eighty proof, Absolut, mixed with cranberry fruit juice
Ginseng boost, I got yo' neck in a noose
Keep my money wrinkled, the rap star twinkle killer instinct
sixteen bar nickle sell more copies than Kinko
Grow like a fetus with no hands and feet to complete us
and we return like Jesus, when the whole world need us
[Verse Four: Method Man/Iron Lung]
Is it appetite for destruction
Slap a murder rap on this production, I touch somethin trust nuttin
Iron Lung/Twisted Metal
I see em duckin my dart gun, bustin, from every angle
Worldwide total carnage, the sickest flow
that be code named Agent Orange, killin you slow
It's only right you pay homage
to those that's bout to blow like that shit up your nose, solid
as a rock when I strike target, ver-bal
Be screamin on you like a drill sargeant, her-bals
got me where I wanna be right now, don't know the time
Check the hour on your sundial, watch me shine
Drunk off of cheap wine
Each line be on point when I speak mine
On behalf of my crew, SUUUUUUUUUUU, Enter the Wu
Thirty-Six more deadly Chambers, to take you through
[Outro: Roxanne]

Shame of nigga-
[martial arts movie sample]
Yeah, yo, aight
Pass the meth!
(nizzuh nzza punk nigguh, yeah!)
Yeah, aight
kick the raw style, yeah
Fly that fuckin sack
Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
Wu buck wild with the trigger!
Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
Wu buck- I FUCK yo' ass up! What?
[Verse One: Ol Dirty Bastard, Method Man, Raekwon the Chef]
Ol' Dirty Bastard, live and uncut!
Styles unbreakable, shatterproof
To the young youth, ya wanna get gun? Shoot!
BLAOW! How you like me now? Don't fuck the style
Ruthless wild!
Do ya wanna getcha teeth knocked the FUCK out?
Wanna get on it like that, well then shout!
Yo RZA, yo razor!
Hit me with the major
The damage, my Clan understand it be flavor
Gunnin, hummin comin atcha
First I'm gonna getcha, once I gotcha, I gat-cha
You could never capture the Method Man's stature
For rhyme and for rapture, got niggaz resigning, now master
my style? Never! I put the fucking buck in the wild kid, I'm terror
Razor sharp, I sever
the head from the shoulders, I'm better
than my compeda, you mean competitor, whadeva!
Let's get together
(Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
Wu buckwild with the tri-BLAOW!)
I react so thick, I'm phat, and YO!
Rae came blowing and blew off ya headphones black
Rap from yo Cali to Texas
Smoother than a Lexus, now's my turn to WRECK this
Brothers approach and half step, but ain't heard
HALF of it yet, and I bet you're not a fuckin vet
So, when you see me on the real, formin like Voltron
Remember I got deep like a Navy Seal!
(Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
Wu buck wild with the trigger!
Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
[Verse Two: Ol Dirty Bastard]
I come with that ol' loco
Style from my vocal
Couldn't peep it with a pair of bi-focals
I'm no joker! Play me as a joker
Be on you like a house on fire! Smoke ya!
Crews be actin like they gangs, anyway
Be like, "Warriors! Come out and playiyay!"
Burn me, I get into shit, I let it out like diarrhea
Got burnt once, but that was only gonorrhea
Dirty, I keep shit stinks in my drawers
So I can get fzza-funky for yah
Murder, taste the flame of the Wu-Tang RAHH!
Here comes the Tiger verse Crane!
Ow, be like wild with my style
Punk! You playing me, chump, you get DUMPED
WU! Is comin THROUGH! At a theatre near YOU!
And get funk like a SHOE!

[Chorus: (sampled)]
After laughter, comes tears
[Verse One: The RZA]
Yo check yo yo, check the script
Me and the gods get it ripped
Blunts in the dip, forty dogs in my lip
Had a box, 'Boom Boom' the bass will blast
We was laughing, at all the girls that passed
Conversation, brothers had begin to discuss
(Hey yo, Ra, remember that kid ya bust?)
Aw yeah, he ran, but he didn't get far
Cause I dropped him, heh heh heh heh heh HA
Not knowin, exactly what lied ahead
My little brother, my mother sent him out for bread
Get the Wonder, it's a hot day in the summer
Didn't expect, to come across, a crazy gunner
"Hey Shorty, check it for the bag and the dough"
But he was brave, looked him in the eye, and said "No!!"
Money splattered him, BOW! then he snatched the bag
In his pockets, then he jetted up the Ave.
Girls screamin, the noise up and down the block
(Hey, Rakeem!) What? (Your little brother got shot!)
I ran frantically, then I dropped down to his feet
I saw the blood, all over, the hot concrete
I picked him up, then I held him by his head
His eyes shut, that's when I knew he was...
Aw man! How do I say goodbye?
It's alway the good ones who have to die
Memories in the corner of my mind
Flashbacks, I was laughin all the time
I taught him, all about the bees and birds
But I wish I had a chance to sing these three words
[Verse Two: Ghostface Killer]
Me and my man, my ace big Moe from the shelter
Bout to hit the skins, from this girl named Thelma
Now Thelma had a rep, that was higher than her neck
Every girl from Shaolin dissed her respect
We was stimmy, you know how it is when you're blitzed
Three o'clock in the morning, something gots to give
Moe said he'll go first, I said I'll take next
Here, take this raincoat, and practice safe sex
He seemed to ignore, I said be for real
She's not even worth it, to go raw deal
A man's gonna do what a man's gonna do
He got butt-naked and stuck the power U
Twenty minutes went by, my man went out, without a doubt
I'm not pumpin' up, I am, airin out
Hey yo, he came out laughing with glory
I'm surprised, he's still livin', to tell his story
But he carried on, with the same old stuff
with Stephanie, like a whammy, he pressed his luck
Both tried to be down with O.P.P.
Ain't nuttin' wrong but he got caught with the H.I.V. now
No life to live, doc says two more years
So after the laughter, I guess comes the tears

[Ol Dirty Bastard]
What y'all think you wasn't gonna see me?
I'm the Osiris of this shit
Wu-Tang is here forever, motherfucker
It's like this ninety-seven
Aight my niggaz and niggarettes
Let's do it like this
I'ma rub your ass in moonshine
Let's take it back to seventy-nine
[Inspectah Deck]
I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies
and high prophecies can't define it how I be droppin these
mockeries, lyrically, perform armed robbery
Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me
Battle-scarred shogun, explosion when my pen hits
tremendous, ultra-violet shine blind forensics
I inspect you, through the future see millenium
Killa B's sold fifty gold, sixty platinum,
Shackling the matches with drastic rap tactics
Graphic displays melting the steel like blacksmiths
Black Wu jackets queen B's ease the guns an'
Rumblein patrolmen tearg as laced the function
Heads by the score take flight incite a war
Chicks hit the floor, diehard fans demand more
Behold the bold soldier, control the globe slowly
Proceeds to blow swingin' swords like Shinobi
Stomp grounds I pound footprints in solid rock
Wu got it locked, performin live on your hottest block
[Method Man]
As the world turns, I spread like germs
Bless the globe with the pestilence, the hard-headed never learn
It's my testament to those burnt
Play my position in the game of life, standing firm
on foreign land, jump the gun out the frying pan, into the fire
Transform into the Ghostrider, a six-pack
and A Streetcar Named Desire, who got my back?
In the line of fire holding back, what?
My peoples if you with me where the fuck you at?
Niggaz is strapped, and they trying to push my big cap
It's court adjourned, for the bad seed from bad sperm
Herb got my wig fried like a bad perm, what the blood
clot?, we smoke pot and blow spots
You wanna think twice, I think not
The Iron Lung ain't got ta tell you where it's coming from
Guns of Navarone, tearing up your battle zone
Rip through your slums
I twist darts from the heart, tried and true
Loop my voice on the LP, martini on the slang rise
Certified chatterbox, vocabulary 'Donna talking
Tell your story walking
Take cover kid, what? Run for your brother, kid
Run for your team, and your six camp rhyme groupies
So I can squeeze with the advantage, and get wasted
My deadly nose reigns supreme
Your fort is basic compared to mine
Domino effect, arts and crafts
Paragraphs contain cyanide
Take a free ride on my dart, I got the dashin
catalogues for all y'all to all praise to the Gods
[Ol Dirty Bastard]
Da saga continues
Wu-Tang, Wu-Tang
Olympic torch flaming, we burn so sweet
The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat
We crush slow, flaming deluxe slow
For, judgment day come'th, conquer, it's war
Allow us to escape, hell blows spinning bomb
Pocket full of shells out the sky, Golden Arms
Tune strictly shitty Mortal Kombat sound
The fateful step make, the blood stain the ground
A jungle junkie, vigilante tantrum
A death kiss, cap off squeeze another anthem
Hold it for ransom, tranquilized with anesthetics
My orchestra, graceful, music ballerinas
My music Sicily, rich California smell
An axekiller adventure, paint a picture well
I sing a song from Sing-Sing, sippin on ginseng
Righteous wax chaperone, rotating ring king
Watch for the wooden soldiers, C-cypher punks couldn't hold us
A thousand men rushing in, not one nigga was sober
Perpendicular to the square, we stand bold like Flare
Escape from your Dragon's Lair, in particular
My beats travel like a vortex, through your spine
to the top of your cerebral cortex
Make you feel like you bust a nut for raw sex
Enter through your right ventricle clog up your bloodstream
heart terminal, like Grand Central Station
Program fat baselines, eye-no-vation
Getting drunk like a fucking skunk on five-year probation
War of the masses, the outcome, disastrous
Many of the victim family save they ashes
A million names on walls engraved in plaques
Those who went back, received penalties for the axe
Another hard nigga diss, close ones gone
Those who stray niggas get slayed by the song
[Masta Killa]
The track renders helpless and suffers from multiple stab wounds
and leaks sounds that's heard
ninety-three million miles away from came one
to represent the Nation, this is a gathering
of the masses that come to pay respects to the Wu-Tang Clan
As we engage in battle, the crowd now screams in rage
The high chief Jamel Irief, takes the stage
Light is provided through sparks of energy
from the mind that travels in rhyme form
Giving sight to the blind
The dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum
Death only one can save shell from
This relentless attack of the track spares none
[Ghostface Killah]
Yo! Yo! Yo, fuck that, look at all these crab niggaz laid back
Lampin like the million black womens on my man's rag
Codeine was forced in your drink
You had a Navy Green salamander fiend, fuck she never heard you scream
You two-faces, scum of the slum, I got your whole body numb
Blowing like Shalamar in eighty-one
Sound convincing, thousand dollar court by convention
Hairs like Sonny Liston, get fly permission holder
Fuck it, I'ma fasten your wig, bad luck
I humiliate, separate the English from the Dutch
it's me, black trouble through Ali
Came to trees we like the Genovese
Is that so? Caesar needs the greens
It's Earth, ninety-three million miles from the first
Rough turbulence, the waveburst, split the megahertz
Aiyyo decimation, gun in your mouth talk, verbal foul off
Connect thoughts to make my man Shai walk
Swift notarizer, Wu-Tang, all up in the high-riser
New York gang adviser world tranquilizer
Just the dosage, delegate my Clan with explosives
While, my pen blow lines ferocious
Mediterranean, see ya, the number one traffic
sit down the beat God, then delegate the God to see God
The swift chancellor, Lex, the white-gold tarantula
Track truck diesel, play the weed God, substantiala
Max mostly, undivided, then slide it, it's sickening
Guaranteed to make you jump like Rod Strickland

Severe punishmetet-
I despise your killing, and raping
You're... despicable
Are you, my judge?
It's just... you should be punished
I'm going to chop off your arm, so are you ready?
[Verse One: U-God]
Yo, yeah, yo, yo
Yo, yeah
Check these high hats sting things moving through the rubbish
Party robust, rec room style for you brothers
Time's ticking, eruptments conduct
Entering one funk before the drum dry up
Dial, style, jab vocab slow
Alphabet run, construction voice might blow
Tap dance swelling Hemingway novel model
For a breather, dirty reefer hide your bottle
Cut down, come with something that's round and profound
Blood brothers people of colors we get down
Watch this fly, force feed things being said
Nine Diagram acid black evil red left his
mic half a dangle, seriouser man
My mic clapper def wish, everlasting plan
heavenly God body, know me as the cleaner
Night champion, old villain style seem a
kiss of spider, to God saga why bother
Godfather talk drama, fly swatters
Number two, Chao San Poi
[Verse Two: The Genius/GZA]
This Wu shit be hard to kill and full blown
Rhymes filtered through the net before words hit the chrome
Pro tools editing tracks that's rough
Cause a jam without a live MC isn't enough
So we attack this, and grab all within reach
Throw a scrap back to niggaz - perfect your own speech
Shit is copper, it ain't worth the mic stands
used by backup singers in Atlantic City bands
Niggaz look on, and get hooked on this mic line
Real thin and shift through the pipeline
LP's delivered with style and potential
Niggaz flowin smoothly in a sequential
order, revealin hidden tape recorders
Stashed inside pockets of those who lack aura
[Verse Three: Raekwon the Chef]
Twist the DAC up, them niggaz with math is back up
Watch he act up, fifty-two block track we slap up
Playground maneuver, jet to Vancouver like this
Two Kahluas one chick she's German Luger
Get the shit on, light a fresh pack, bust it open
with the seal on Dunn, deal on this, with the real on
Next, Rocky, ring, call it to Decatur
Slang soufleer home decorater, player
Mic immigrants, nine of us formed resemblance
Somethin flashy, God dead-armed is nasty
Peep the ornaments enough to make Shorty-Wop stare at me yo
He killed the God might as well throw a chair at me
[Verse Four: Prince Rakeem/RZA]
Yo MC's wonder what's hip-hop thunder
Tell you the truth it's just one nation under a groove
Gettin down for the funk of it
Like Fred Sanford in the biz...
Yo one held his paraphenalia, a Wu memorabilia
Mailed by the fortune teller, tried to tell ya
bout the group recruit we scoop up CREAM like Breyer's
Then spread across the globe like telephone wires
Thirty-six assorted, Shaolin imported
chambers been recorded, you're fuckin with the loops
Time for royalty audit
Fabulous establishment metabolism, Blackfoot Indian
Cherokee started out smaller than amphibian
Then grew to a physical body with five meridians
As the pendulum swings closer to the millenium
two thousand, wickedness is spread amongst my citizen
I got a muscle the industrial to make a hustle
and politic with Leo and Russell
When niggaz is still rushin we'll brush you
He's a womanizer, but he's an expert at throwing knives
[Verse Five: Masta Killa]
Thoughts are contained in the trenches of the brain
ignite, blowin the mic to Arabian heights
As I recite this medley, niggaz couldn't fuck with the
deadly ground I hold down
Classical gangland style, shots hit the ceiling
Panic and confusion echoes through the building
Continuing to build, I strive for perfection
Driven by the will to live, glocks I hold
Shots I give, while searchers of rescue teams
look for means of survival and who's liable
for this harrowing experience
You scream for the extreme, fiend for the cap
and proceeds of the Wu-Tang Academy
To fuck up your anatomy with assault and battery
Number two, Chao San Poi
Number two, Chao San Poi
He's a womanizer, but he's an expert at throwing knives
Number one, Yen Chang Wa
He's an adulterer, don't trust him
Number two, Chao San Poi
Number two, Chao San Poi
He's a womanizer, but he's an expert at throwing knives
I despise your killing, and raping
You're... despicable
Are you, my judge?
It's just... you should be punished
I'm going to chop off your arm, so are you ready?
I despise your killing, and raping
You're... despicable
Are you, my judge?
It's just... you should be punished
I'm going to chop off your arm, so are you ready?

The jump off-
Ladies and gentlemen, we\'d like to welcome to you
All the way from the slums of Shaolin
Special uninvited guests
Came in through the back door
Ladies and gentlemen, it\'s them!
Dance with the mantis, note the slim chances
Chant this, anthem swing like Pete Sampras
Takin it straight to Big Man On Campus
Brandish your weapon or get dropped to the canvas
Scandalous, made the metro panic
Cause static, with or without the automatic
And while I\'m at it, yo, you got cash, pass it
It\'s drastic, gotta send half to Dirty Bastard
Ayo, ayo
Waves is spinnin, blades is spinnin
Slay em in the eighth inning
Stay truck, god stay playin linen
Kill rap, observe the uptowns, ho, feel that
Mink jeans on, seen where the real at
2000 zitos, movin wit a ill ego
For real, for real, ill lines, ill people
Yo, bring it back, 9 more civilians
Pollyin deals, monopoly and bills
Y\'all niggas lyin
Caught 300, lab look royal wit a mean stomach
Go broke, all seen, done it
Words from the heavy set
If I don\'t eat, then we already met
Fly ass bro, liver than coke
Now what Clan you know wit lines this ill?
Bust shots at Big Ben like we got time to kill
Niggas can\'t gel or I\'m just too high to tell
Put on my gasoline boots and walk through hell
Wit 9 generals, 9 ninjas in your video
9 milli blow, semi auto wit no serial
Man metaphysical, I speak for criminals
Who don\'t pay they bills on time and fuck wit digital
Never seen, smoke a bag of evergreen
My sword got a jones, more heads for the severing
Johnny in the dungeon, takin all bets, throw ya ones in
Scared money don\'t make money, throw ya guns in
[Masta Killa]
That\'s word to Jah Mo, San Ju